The Research Community “Organisms in their Enviroment” links scientists across the Netherlands studying the interactions between organisms and their environment and provides them a common platform. The research community provides sollicited and unsollicited advice to the NWO Table Life sciences and the board of the NWO Science domain on NWO policy. NWO provides administrative services for the research community.

Join the research community  by registering at the bottom of this page at the NWO website

Steering committee

The Organisms in their Environment steering committee has the following members:

Judith Homberg, Radboud University Medical Center, chair, translational neuroscience, serotonin, behaviour, vulnerability, environment

Stefan Geisen, Wageningen University & Research, soil biodiversity, microbiome predators (protists and nematodes)

Sofia Gomes, Leiden University, urban ecology, plant-fungal interactions

Ton Groothuis, University of Groningen, co-chair, behavioural biology, behavioural development and steroid hormones, animal personalities, behavioural and brain lateralization

Alexander Heimel, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, neurobiology of vision and innate behavior

Marijke van Kuijk, Utrecht University, Biodiversity, Carbon Sequestration, Sustainable Forest Management, Tropical Forest Ecology, Plant Ecology

Wilco Verberk, Radboud University, water quality, aquatic insects, fish, climate warming, ecophysiology

Past members

Astrid Groot (UvA), Isabel Smallegange (Newcastle University)